What do High Ranked players really do differently than lower ones?

The legendary high-Elo competitor differs from one person to another. I will be using top diamond and beyond to define “top Elo” for the sake of the whole post.

Many users ask what should they do to get to the next step of their performance. It is quite a mental game frequently and it’s often mechanical capability purely. There have been, nevertheless, other basic strategies that make the game simpler to play.

Take a look at how the top 10 top Elo players perform and check how you can implement the unique things they do into your games!

  1. This is the first and sometimes only advantage that upper tier players actually have about lower tier matches. Playing a LOT of matches. Many individuals that practice lots of games in lower ranks, but participants in the middle ranks prefer to go for some tier and then keep their ranks fiercely. Quite top level competitors play regularly, not just to strengthen themselves, but to also strip away the affiliation of poor mates. Over the longer term, you can’t stop poor buddies if you bombard enough matches.
  2. Spam ping “Enemy Missing”. There’s no doubt we’re not speaking regarding spamming our own team. The further you climb, the more competitors you will see pinging on the lanes there are enemies missing in action. This is because teams are always mindful of where all on the opposing side are. You will not hear anyone moaning that you don’t get a SS alert, and for sure people still whine if you don’t keep up with them.
  3. It is sometimes difficult to think of all options when you are in the middle of a fight Top tier participants, nevertheless, insure that they use the summoner spells for more than one reason. Flash is the best illustration, to be used both offensively and defensively. You maximize the use of the spell by blinking to an opponent character and maneuvering for an aggressive attack.
  4. Prevent poor lane matches. Several players seem to find this troublesome, but also more competitors follow the opposing squad, rather than just their own laner enemy, the higher the tiers. They choose champions on the basis of what they perceive, who are not completely challenged by the opposing squad. The further you realize the champions who perform effectively, the less opportunity you have to choose bad match-ups.
  5. Freezing is a process, not a craft. It is sometimes essential to freeze the wave, particularly once there are only few goals, and no one cares to fight as soon as possible. Just about every tier has competitors who only inadvertently auto-attack targets, even if they don’t want to battle and go all-in. You will not only improve your protection but also raise the risks your opponent laner faces when you can hold three ranged minions closer on your side of the wave.
  6. River sight dominance. It’s a boost, but still not enough to only challenge the Scuttle Crab. Decent competitors realize that managing perception of the river requires regulating the effect of running and hence the likelihood of poor combat. The opponent Jungle may just traverse to the opposing side of the map in so many cases. When you can observe them arriving almost any moment, you are unlikely to die.
  7. Play mostly around key goals and objectives. It is necessary to monitor the Scuttle, Dragon, and Baron timings. Also, often, instead of just retrieving build items and wards, players will prefer to farm for way too long or trade more than necessary. This implies that the actual drake or baron control and influence is quickly lost. Top divisions learn whether to leave minion waves or to challenge enemies and make sure that they improve their opportunities to achieve goals.
  8. Farming several lanes. In several different tiers, participants have this strange practice of gathering with each other as a squad. Although it may look like a reasonable plan, it is sometimes hard to shoot in the enemy tower and waste a farm on the outskirts. In many other cases, rather than all moving to new lanes to boost the cash, you could see four people going towards the smaller wave lane farmer. In upper levels players realize it’s a team effort and everybody is wasting time pushing the exact same wave of minions.
  9. Scuttle Crab competition. Rift Scuttler offers the very same level as Red / Blue buff and even more than Raptors / Wolves at total of 115 xp. Furthermore, this is a guaranteed 90-second ward and also the very only jungle camp to not fight you hilariously. It makes it worth picking up not only for the junglers but also for improving the laners. That would be even preferable to drop this valuable cannon minion if you are able to save your jungle and destroy the opposing jungler. Management of the environment is often a goal for snowball.
  10. Teamfight Prioritizing, in higher tier matches, like the Scuttle Crab, is a preference for teams over farming. This does not suggest you are actively gathering together and attempting to cause squad battles, but seeing a friend arriving or engaging implies that you are leaving whatever you’re doing and starting to fight instantly. Being dead in the match is among the main drawbacks of the match, so you should only do so if you can’t escape death.

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