Recent LoL survey unveils some surprising professional players’ opinions

faker fans

As the current season of the League of Legends competition begins, a fresh survey of participants from the LCS reveals the players–which are the major lanes, which parts of the world are the strongest and if it was platonically desirable to compete at League of Legends. You may be shocked by the response in one of these situations.

86 existing LCS and Academy members participated in the survey. The poll challenged participants if they had been improved by becoming a competitive League athlete and 52 per cent stated they had (40 per cent said they didn’t, and 7 per cent did not know).

The study also questioned professionals which position had the lowest professional influence, and a majority–60.5 per cent–stated TOP was at the bottom of significance. Nevertheless, there was not any true understanding about the main role: 43% said it was the mid, while 40,7% said it is the jungle.

This might sound surprising, but if you consider the League of Legends has recorded up to 8 million players, that makes more sense -That’s a large amount of individuals, and they always have something to chat about with how much they need to understand to care about the game.

Humorously, only 34.9 per cent of the professionals in the North American league said that North America was the best league to determine between North America and Europe. This is attributed to the sudden flood of European players into the LCS in off season.

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